Que en paz descansen
How ironic that Jerry Falwall and and Yolanda King should die at the same time. A preacher and the daughter of The Preacher, the Reverend Dr. King. When Reverend King was preaching the message of justice, equality and peace, Reverend Falwell argued that the church should stay out of the civil rights movement; that religion and politics don't mix. Reverend Falwell did enter the political scene, but not with a message of justice and peace, but rather, a message of discord and hate. Yolanda King, actress and motivational speaker, carried forth her father's message of peace and justice.
In the final analysis, the damage Falwell and others have caused can, G-d willing, eventually undone. May he rest in peace. Yolanda King, on the other hand, will be remembered as one who made the world better, who followed the guidance in Micah 6:8: "... to act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your G-d. ..." Rest in peace Yolanda, and know that others will carry on your work.